Il 21 settembre Troy Davis potrebbe essere messo a morte.
Da quando, nel 1991, è stato condannato alla pena capitale per l'omicidio di un poliziotto in Georgia (Usa) questa è la quarta volta che viene fissata una data di esecuzione.
Ma i dubbi sulla sua colpevolezza restano: nessuna prova fisica collega Troy Davis all'omicidio e sette testimoni su nove hanno ritrattato le dichiarazioni iniziali, denunciando pressioni da parte della polizia.
Il 19 settembre, il Comitato statale che esamina le richieste di grazia terrà un'udienza sul caso.
Per sostenere Troy Davis puoi andare qui, oppure inviare una email ai due indirizzi del Board of Pardons and Paroles
con il testo che segue:
Oggetto: Clemency for Troy Davis
Dear Board members,
I acknowledge the seriousness of the crime for which Troy Davis was sentenced to death, but I note that doubts persist in the case even after the federal evidentiary hearing in 2010.
I point out that the Board acts as a failsafe against irreversible error, and recalling its statement in 2007 that it would not allow any execution to proceed where there was any doubt about the guilt of the prisoner.
I point to the substantial evidence of the fallibility of the capital justice system.
I call on the Board to grant clemency and to commute the death sentence of Troy Davis.
Thank you for your attention.
I acknowledge the seriousness of the crime for which Troy Davis was sentenced to death, but I note that doubts persist in the case even after the federal evidentiary hearing in 2010.
I point out that the Board acts as a failsafe against irreversible error, and recalling its statement in 2007 that it would not allow any execution to proceed where there was any doubt about the guilt of the prisoner.
I point to the substantial evidence of the fallibility of the capital justice system.
I call on the Board to grant clemency and to commute the death sentence of Troy Davis.
Thank you for your attention.
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